Last night we got Joshs dad to watch Braxton so we could go to a movie. All day I had been trying to decide between Transformers & Year One (I also want to see My Sisters Keeper but I was going with DH so I had to be realistic.) ;)
I looked up reviews on Fandango and I couldn't find one GOOD review on Year One. & several people I knew had already seen Transformers and told me it was great so my choice was made easy.
When FIL watches Braxton it's always at our house until we get home. So at 6:30 when Josh got off work we headed straight to the theatre. We got there around 7 and the line was SO,SO,SO long. I had never seen it that long!! Standing in line Josh heard from others that Transformers was sold he came back to the car and started calling other theatres. Finally he just went inside to be SURE they were sold out...and came back with tickets. For 10:15! Ugh. The first 2 showings were already completely sold out. The only other choices were 10:15 or 11:15. So we had 3 hours to burn before the movie started.
So we went to walmart to get a few things, went to eat, then decided we had better tell FIL that we got the late show and that it was a 3 hour long movie. (He has no cell phone or anything,) so we had to drive back to Perkins and tell him. So by the time we got back to Stillwater it was about 9:40 so we went to the theatre and waited about 25 minutes for them to start seating, and boy when she said "Now seating Transformers 2" it was like a stompede. I don't think it was even possible to check tickets so many people were rushing through at one by the time I waddled my preggo butt into the theatre there were only front seats left, so we sat in the 2nd row. (I hate sitting at the front it gives me a headache!) So I told Josh I want an outside seat so I can get up and pee without making a whole row of people stand so I can get my big belly through. ;) So I went to the bathroom and came back and Josh was in the MIDDLE of the row. Some guys came by and asked him to scoot over so he DID. :( So I had to SQUEEZE through a tiny row, a whole line of guys standing waiting for me to get through, and me trying not to touch them with either my belly or my butt! (Now thats a toughy!)
Now that I have went into probably waaaaay too much pointless details, the movie was INCREDIBLE. I loved it! It was HILARIOUS and probably better than the 1st movie!! I totally reccomend it! Though probably not a good one to take your kids to since there are some mild sexual scenes and moderate cussing.
We got out of the theatre at 1 and got home around 1:30...and I think I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. :)
DH took my 9 y/o SS to see it last weekend when I was out of town registering at BRU. We have the first one and we all loved it, so we didn't think it would be a big deal for him to see this one. DH came home and said that there was a LOT of bad language in it, and realized it was rated R (not PG-13 like the original). Eeeek! Too late. :(
Samantha said...
July 2, 2009 at 8:50 AM
Oh yeah-DEF not for kids. When I was in there I saw a family bring in (what looked like) a 5 yr old & 7 yr old boy...I was thinking "are you nuts?!" (Mostly b/c we were there for the 10:15 show & didn't get out until midnight and then once it started I was like yep..soo not for kids!
Kristin said...
July 2, 2009 at 9:45 AM