We've been exposed to the h1n1 virus.
My cousin & her 1 year old daughter both tested positive for it.
They have been over to our house several times since Addie was born.
I'm freaking out.
I called Braxton & Addies pedi & she just said theres not much we can do. Just to keep an eye on all of us & see if we get sick. Great.
I'm hoping & praying none of us catch it. Especially little Addie.
I've been breastfeeding a week now! Honestly, I didn't think I'd make it this far seeing how difficult it was with DS but it's been so much easier this time! Addie has a great latch, I have a great supply and it's just going SO well.
My only "problems" are:
-I don't feel like I can go anywhere. I haven't mastered NIP (nursing in public.) I want to be discreet about it and not just pop out the boob whenever, wherever. Too many pervs in this world. So the discreet part is what I'm having trouble with. Hopefully I'll learn soon because I have just been staying in the house all week. We had to go get groceries the other day & I had to sit out in the parking lot nursing in the car. I wish I could just nurse DD while walking around, so it doesn't even look like I'm nursing. Ahhh, I guess it will get easier though...
-I'm jealous of DH. Since I'm BFing it is pointless for BOTH of us to get up at night, so I let DH sleep while I feed, change and put Addie back to sleep. Here I am up 5-6 times a night while DH is sound asleep & snoring...and then complains the next day that he's tired. It tempts me to switch to formula, because at least then he would have to get up too! But I'm trying to be strong. I don't want to formula feed, I'm just letting the lack of sleep take over my thoughts....
-I have a strong let down so poor Addie is choking on my milk when I first start to feed. Not a "major" problem but I wish it didn't happen.
I am very thankful though that breastfeeding is going well. I know there are many women out there that can't breastfeed, or have problems that make it very difficult.
Now for a little "brag" LOL
I seem to produce alot of milk, so much that Addie can't possibly drink it all, I am constantly leaking and sometimes leak through a nursing pad in just 30 minutes. So tonight I decided when I get "full" like that I would pump and freeze the milk for when I decide to introduce the bottle.
Well, Addie hadn't eaten in a few hours & I was beyond FULL. I was changing out nursing pads every 15 minutes! I brought out my pump and started pumping on boob #1. After about 10-15 minutes I felt that was enough and stopped. I looked to see how much I pumped and it said 4 ounces! HOLY COW! (With DS I would pump for 30+ minutes & get 2 ounces out of both breasts combined!!) Since Addie hadn't ate in awhile I decided I would only pump the 2nd boob for about 5 minutes. (Not sure how BFing works, like..how long does it take for my boobs to "refill" after they are emptied? I didn't want to pump them both dry & then addie wake up hungry...I have no clue how it works!) So I pumped boob #2 for just a few minutes and then took the bottle to the kitchen and dumped the milk in a milk storage bag. Total? 6 ounces! Whoo-hoo! I'd say thats pretty good! :D
Well, time to go to bed. I'm EXHAUSTED! Addie was up every 1-2 hours last night wanting to eat! Night, Night. :)
Remember the post where I had everyone guess what addie would weigh? Well here is the list and we have a winner! Me! LOL!
Addie weighed 7 lbs 13 oz at birth. I really didn't think she would be so little, I was just HOPING she would be. :)
MY guess= 7 lbs 14 oz
Leah-5 lbs 1 oz
Angela-6 lbs 5 oz
Daddy-6 lbs 6 oz
Amber-6 to 7 lbs
Kara-7 lbs 5 oz
Susan-7 lbs 7 oz
Jennifer-7 lbs 9 oz
Jessica M-7 lbs 10 oz
Rob-8 lbs 2 oz
Samantha-8 lbs 2 oz
Mommy-8 lbs 3 oz
Haylie-8 lbs 4 oz
Jessica C-8 lbs 6 oz
Tiffany-8 lbs 7 oz
Shealynn-8 lbs 8 oz
Amanda-8 lbs 11 oz
Season-9 lbs 4 oz
Josh-9 lbs 5 oz
First off:
Now that that's out of the way...we had her 1 week check-up today! I also had an appointment just to check on the incision & everything.
Addie's birth weight: 7 lbs 13 oz
Discharge weight: 7 lbs 3 oz
1 week old weight: 7 lbs 8 oz
Addie's birth length: 19 3/4 in.
1 week length; 20 1/4 in.
((I just found out her discharge weight today, the hospital didn't tell us! I can't believe how tiny she is! Newborn clothes don't fit her, they're quite baggy, I have very few preemie outfits I can put on her so I kind of have to put her in NB. Preemie diapers are even too big for her, she has a really tiny waist & skinny little legs...can you believe it-I stocked up on diapers (20 packs!) and only had 1 newborn pack & 0 preemie b/c I really thought she would come out 8-9 lbs!! So we've already had to buy diapers!))
And as for me, I lost 15 lbs! Yeah!!! I have lost ALL the babyweight & am under my starting weight! Woo-hoo! However I still have some weight leftover from Braxton I need to get rid of. My incision is also healing nicely.
That's about it. Addie has to go back in a week to check her weight again. She should be back up to her birthweight by then. :)
I've been having some soreness near the left side of my incision from the c/s. Well, I decided to take a look and on the left end of the incision there is a medium sized purple bruise. There is a lump behind it & its very tender to the touch.
Also, the past few days I had a burning/tearing sensation on that left side in the same area. I figured it was just the staples tugging at my skin but I got those removed today & the same feeling is there.
I'm a little freaked out. Think I will call my dr in the morning.
I added some pics of Addie to my photobucket account! I will be updating it frequently so as I post more I will just post another blog with a link to the album. :)
At 4 A.M on Thursday morning I woke up and started getting ready for the hospital. I got DH up at 4:30 and we were out the door by 4:45 or so. We arrived at the hospital around 5:30 (30 minutes late b/c DH had to stop on the way to throw up! lol!) & were taken right up to our room. Pre-registering really paid off! I just had to sign one paper and I was ready! I got up to my room and was told to give a urine sample & change into a gown. I did so and then layed on the hospital bed and waited for the nurse to come back. When she came back I was hooked up to the monitors (i was having contractions!) and blood pressure machine, had to sign a bunch of papers and give medical history, etc and then had the IV put in. Then my least favorite part, the catheder. Time just flew by though. All of this happened in an hour and a half. At 7 they really started getting me ready for the csection. The nurse came in and shaved me. Then I was given a 'pepto' pill & some horrible tasting liquid medicine that is supposed to neutralize stomach acid. (preventing nausea) Then the anesthesiologist came in to speak with me & explain what he would be doing. Before I know it I'm walking to the OR.
We get in there and I'm told to sit on the table with my back facing the anethesiologist. He told me everything he was going to do before he did it. He was great. I ended up getting a spinal block this time instead of both a spinal & epidural. I felt pretty much no pain. He washed my back, numbed the area, I felt a small burning, prick sensation and that was all! Slowly, starting at my feet, my body started to get warm until I was warm about up to my ribcages. Warm and NUMB. It was nice, those OR rooms are FREEZING! They pinched my stomach a bunch to see if I could feel anything-I couldn't so they brought Josh in and started the c-section! It seemed like it took forever but it was really only about 15 minutes or so. I got nauseous during the surgery so I was given some meds through my IV that helped a little bit. I was also very thirsty this time too. After awhile they told me I would start feeling pulling & tugging & lots of pressure on my chest. I was prepared, because well I had already been through it before & the pressure didn't bother me before. This time it was horrible though! I had to remember to breathe, it felt like someone was jumping up and down on my chest. Oww. (Well obviously I couldn't feel the pain but the pressure was just that overwhelming.) After a few minutes of this they started to pull Addie out. The anethesiologist was watching over the curtain and said "Wow, thats a BIG baby!." I said, "Yeah, my son was over 10 lbs so it doesn't surprise me!" Now she was all the way out and crying! :) The nurses cleaned her up a bit, showed her to Josh & I and then Josh, Addie & the nurses headed to the nursery/waiting area. I was stitched up after about 20 minutes and sent to my room. Josh came in and asked if they had told me how much she weighed. I said no, so he told me, "7 lbs 13 oz." I couldn't believe it! I had guessed she would be 7 lbs 14 oz but that was more of a "hope" than a guess! After a little while they brought Addie & I got to hold her for the first time. It was incredible. DH & I spent a little time alone with her and then brought everyone else in. Braxton loves her! He wanted to hold her & when he did he just looked so proud!! I definetly had worse "after symptoms" after this c-section. I shook for about an hour after the surgery. I couldn't keep anything down all day. I started off with just ice chips & was to gradually go to water, and then to things like broth, jello, etc then to solids. Well, I started off with ice. Threw it up. So I waited a little while, tried some more ice, threw it up. This continued all day. I wouldn't drink anything until I was able to keep ice down. I vomited about 8 times that day. By 8 pm I think I was able to drink water & had some jello late that night. I also had a fever and low blood pressure. Fever wasn't a big deal-I had one after I had Braxton & it went away the next day. The blood pressure was very low. Most of the time it was around 80-something over 40-something. When the nurse took it and saw the results she couldn't believe it & thought maybe the BP machine had broke so she went and got another one. Got the same results. She checked my chart & apparently my BP had been running low ever since I got there. Crazy.
Our first night in the hospital was a bit rough. We wanted to keep her in the nursery so we could get some rest (we only slept 2-3 hours before we came in to the hospital) but every 20-30 minutes the nurses were bringing her in to nurse. I would latch her on, she would eat for a few minutes and then just fall asleep & comfort nurse. This went on for 4 hours. My boobs couldn't take it & I needed the sleep so we decided to use a pacifier.(we had agreed no pacis) I must say, I felt bad about giving into the paci but it is a LIFESAVER! The 2nd night she only ate twice. I fed her before I went to sleep, at 2ish & around 4:30 & then just stayed up b/c I was so rested. The first couple of days she only ate for 10 minutes at a time every 4 hours but now that my milk has come in she's eating more often.
We got released from the hospital Saturday at noon! A DAY EARLY! Whoo! Recovery has been pretty easy. The 2 days I was in the hospital I didn't need any pain medicine. Though I did have some discomforts. I had trapped gas from the anesthesia and that is pretty painful! I had to have a suppository to help, and it only helped a little. Now that I'm home I'm taking Gas-X & it seems to be helping. Another thing I didn't expect is for my uterus to contract while I nurse. It's like the worst period cramps I've ever felt times TEN. Soooo painful! I did have a Tylenol to relieve those pains! BFing didn't work out with DS & he never latched properly so I didn't know this happened. Hopefully it will stop soon?
Breastfeeding is going well though. I think we had a few latch issues at the hospital but they got worked out. It doesn't hurt at all when she eats off the right side but sometimes it hurts my left side when she latches, I think its becuase I'm right handed and can't get her positioned correctly on the left side. I think I mentioned already that my milk has come in. Thank goodness it didn't come in like it did with Braxton. With him I woke up 3 days PP laying in my own breastmilk, totally soaked, engorged, in pain!! This time I think it gradually came in. They aren't engorged but I have no problem with supply! I leak all the time!
Overall, Addie is a very good baby. The birth was great, the recovery ok, we are so in love!
Braxton loves her to death & is always talking about her but I am noticing alot of jealousy. I pray it gets better. Today has been a record for tantrums!!
Side note-Addies dedication was today! Will have pics up soon! Also, will add pics of Addie to some other account (like snapfish or photobucket) because it takes sooo long to upload pics on here & I have so many I want to post. When I get that done I will post the link!
Just letting everyone know we're home. We're doing great.
Adelyn Grace was born on Sept 17th at 7:46 a.m. She weiged 7 lbs 13 oz & was 19 3/4 inches long.
She is gorgeous. Nursing is going fabulous! My milk just came in today & she's going nuts over it eating every 2 hours! lol
Braxton just loves her to death. When he looks at her he just smiles so proudly. He loves to hold her. I have noticed a change in him though, his tantrums are getting horrible & he wants to be treated like a baby.
DH loves his new lil girl. shes already got him wrapped around her lil finger, its so sweet.
I do have a prayer request though, Addie failed her hearing test in her right ear. Please pray it's nothing & that the test was just a fluke.
I'll post her birth story & pics later when I have more time. I'm gonna have to get used to typing 1 handed. ;)
I'm having a BABY tomorrow!!
I can't believe it! I have soooo much to do today! Whooooooooooo!
Braxton is going to grandmas house tonight & at 3:30 am I have to wake up, get ready & head to the hospital!
I'm so excited to see what Adelyn looks like, if she has hair, how much she weighs, etc!
But I'm also terrified of the c-section. No clue why. My last one went perfectly. I guess anyone would be a little nervous before surgery though.
I sure am going to miss Braxton though. I can't go a few hours without seeing his cute little smile & hearing him call me "Ma" Now I have to go THREE DAYS. Of course he'll be visiting every day but I'm still gonna miss him like crazy! I'm trying to make my self feel better by saying it will give me some nice, quiet time alone with DH & Addie (who knows when I'll get any of that once we're home!)
Anyways....I CAN'T WAIT! =D
If I have your phone number I will text you after I have her with her stats & a pic :)
Braxton got sick last night. It started around 5:30. He vomited several times within the next 2 hours. Josh had class at 6 & right before he left I jumped into a bubble bath to try to relax (at this point Brax had just thrown up once so I figured he was fine) Well, Josh left for school & Braxton started to throw up. I jumped out of the bath & checked on Braxton. He threw up 2-3 times so I called Josh. I was crying because I felt so bad, there was nothing I could do to make him feel better. Josh decided to come home & help me. From 6-8 he threw up 4-5 more times and finally just fell asleep on the floor. He slept for an hour and then woke up and immediatly vomited again. 20-30 minutes later he did it again. We put on one of his favorite cartoons and started watching it. He seemed pretty content and even started dancing to the music & acting like himself. But that didn't last long. He threw up once more & we decided maybe we should try to get some sleep. Braxton fell asleep quickly. He woke up at 1 am b/c I had to get up and pee. He got up and followed me to the bathroom where he started holding his tummy & saying "boo-boo" then came the vomit. He wanted a drink of water but I was kinda worried about giving it to him since everytime I tried to give him anything to drink he threw it up. But he was thirsty so I couldn't deny him a drink. I got him some water & we went back to bed. DH woke up & Braxton wanted to cuddle with him. We just sat on the bed for awhile & talked, and then-Braxton threw up all over the place. All over our bed & blankets. Ew. We started wondering what we should do. Was he vomiting enough for us to take him to the ER? & even if we did what would they do, what CAN they do? Give him medicine to stop the vomiting temporarily, tell us to give him clear fluids and send us home after 3 hours. As we were talking Braxton fell asleep so we cleaned up the mess he made and flipped the mattress over. We decided to just go back to sleep & that I would call his dr in the morning. We prayed for him and then we both fell asleep. Braxton slept until about 6 or 6:30. He got up and asked DH for some juice, DH gave him some & he came back to bed & slept 2 more hours. It's now 9 am & he has kept the juice down! Yay! He's also been drinking alot of water this morning & has kept it all down!
I just got off the phone with the pediatrician & she said if he hasn't vomitted since 1 am then he is getting over whatever it was he had. She said "it" usually lasts about 12 hours. Not sure what "it" is, maybe a stomach bug or something? She said to keep offering small amounts of clear fluids & slowly introduce some solids today & to call back if he starts vomiting again but she doesn't think he will. YAY! The worst part is over! I just need to get some sleep now!
I just got back from my last appointment! Whoo-hoo! Of course I'll have to go back in 6 weeks but it will be so weird to not have to pee in a cup & listen to the heartbeat, etc.
Things went as they always do.
Sat in the waiting room for awhile. The office next door to my doctors had a bird flying around in it which caused alot of 'drama' with the doctors & nurses trying to get it out. It was so funny!
Nothing out of the ordinary at my appointment. 1) Step on scale. 0 weight gain since last week! Yea! Looks like my "official" total of weight gain this pregnancy is 7 pounds! Whoo!
2) Give a urine sample, 3) have blood pressure checked 4)listen to babys heartbeat (140 bpm) 5) wait for doctor to come in 6) measure fundal height. Thats all. Pretty boring....
It was odd not stopping at the reception desk to make an appointment, I start walking out the door and the receptionist asks "Wait, are you done?" I told her my csection is this Thursday. She wished me luck & out the door we went. :)
We did go pre-register at the hospital though. (I know-we waited until waaaay last minute!) It didn't take long at all. I just had to sign a bunch of papers and voila-I was preregistered for surgery. :)
Funny thing happened at the hospital--we got on the elevator to get to the 2nd floor where all the registration & stuff is and when we got on I told Braxton he might want to hang on to the side rails but he just ignored me and stood in the middle of the elevator. It started moving and he FLIPPED OUT! He started 'whining' and looked at me terrified. He started saying "Nooo! Noo!" to the elevator. It was so funny even though he was so scared. DH & I couldn't stop laughing. DH picked him up and he acted so traumatized! Poor lil guy.
Anyways, I can't believe I just have 3 days left! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see Addie & hold her for the first time. Thursday night Josh has church choir practice & was thinking about skipping but since this Sunday we have a big guest speaker coming to our church he really needs to be there to practice. So I told him to go. :D Why am I so happy you're wondering? I'm greedy with my babies ;) When Braxton was born I didn't even want to let DH hold him, I loved it too much! So while DH is gone for 2-3 hours that night I will get to hold Addie as much as I want. I can't wait. :)
OMG...this is going to be my last 'weekly update' until Addie is here! Now I need some kind of newborn survey or something. :)
How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Omg, gained 3 lbs in 2 weeks. Total=7 lbs
Any new maternity clothes? Nope
Any new stretch marks? Probably, but I hope not!
Sleep: getting uncomfortable again
Best moment this week: Hmm I'm not sure
Movement: Yep. It's starting to feel sooo weird though b/c she's running out of room, her elbows, knees, feet are always poking out so I can see them. Creeepy! ;)
Food cravings: None really
Labor Signs: Oh yeah. False labor. Loss of MP. Spotting.
Belly Button in or out? In, but very shallow. If Addie lays in the right position she actually pushes it flat. It feels strange!
What I miss: having control over my bladder. Haha!
What I am looking forward to: meeting my little girl on Sept 17th!
Weekly Wisdom: Nothin'
Milestones: Hmm...not sure?
Your baby's lungs are the last part to develop before birth. Once the lungs are developed, your baby is ready for life outside the womb.
By now your baby has almost run out of space to move in your uterus.
Your baby has shed most of her lanugo, though she may still have some on her shoulders and in the creases of her body.
Her toenails reach the end of her toes.
The umbilical cord, which still is supplying your baby with nutrition as she gains more weight, may be knotted or wrapped around her.
Some of your antibodies have crossed the placental barrier and give your baby's immune system a boost to get her started until hers is fully functioning.
Your baby could be born any day now.
Last night after church I was using the restroom and noticed a small patch of pink spotting on my underwear. I was also crampy and having backaches but I figured that was just from standing around talking to my dad after church like we often do. But the cramps and backache went away last night and I feel fine this morning.
I decided to give my OB a call anyways. I called & spoke with the nurse. First thing she asked was if we had 'intercourse' before I noticed the spotting. Nope. Then she asked if I was having cramps or a backache last night. Yes. So then she told me if I notice any more today to call back & they would have me come in & probably sent over to L&D for monitoring. I asked her what the spotting was, if I should be worried. She said it could be the start of labor.
Whoo! Let's hope so! ;)
This afternoon I went with my cousin to a nearby town to pick up some stuff we had bought off craigslist from the same lady. (I got 16 infant toys for just $5! & she bought Braxton a Thomas the train puzzle) Well, she dropped us off at our house, I was trying to get all the stuff out of her car. (The toys, Braxton, his carseat, my purse.) Then I realized I forgot my 44 ounce cup of ice water in her car. So I said "Oh! My water!!" and my cousin flipped out! She turns around in the seat to look at me with wide eyes-thinking my water had broke! Hahahaa. Sadly I had to tell her I forgot my drink in the car. It was too funny!
Last night I had a dream that I had Addie.
It was kind of weird. They did the csection and got her out but handed her straight to me. She was perfectly clean and bundled up in a pink blanket. I was so excited I just held her and held her. Then it dawned on me they didn't do any of the regular tests they do. No apgars, no stuff in the eyes, no vitamin K shot...and no weighing!! I immediatly called the nurse and asked if they had weighed the baby. She said no. I told her to weigh her then so I could know how much she weighed but the nurse wouldn't. I kept looking for someone who would weigh her and finally found someone. They put her on the scale and I saw that she weighed 10 lbs 1 oz. I was so upset!! Lol I told them I didn't want a 10 lb baby again and that she needed to be smaller! haha!
Anyways, in no time we are out of the hospital, I dont think we stayed the whole 3 days. When we left we didn't even put her in her car seat! I just held her as we drove and nursed her. I remember being totally freaked out that a cop was going to pull us over so I kept trying to hide the baby. It gets kinda blurry here but I remember Addie going like 6 hours without eating and it totally freaked me out.
I hate the dreams I get when something 'big' is approaching. They're always so weird and pointless!
I think this is becoming an addiction.
Every morning I log into thechildrensplace.com to see what sales they have going and if they have any new items.
This morning when I got on I was looking at the shoes and....they're on SALE!
Addie has PLENTY of shoes so I mainly looked for Braxton and I found these:
Each pair is only $2.99!! So I had to order one in each color! :D
Braxton's really starting to get a nice shoe collection. He's got 2-3 pairs of tennis shoes. 1 pair of flip flops, a couple pairs of sandals....and this weekend we bought him a pair of cowboy boots (they're sooo cute!) and a pair of "skate shoes." No, not the ones with wheels on the bottom but the ones that skateboarders wear. They're flat on bottom and kinda fluffy looking. LOL Then last week I ordered him an all new outfit from the childrens place (which included a pair of shoes JUST like the ones above only they were $10) and now he's got 3 more pairs on the way! Whoo-hoo!
I love shoooooes♥
I'm so frustrated.
I just got back from my '38' week appointment. My doctor makes me feel so dumb sometimes, she doesn't offer any good advice and seems to blow off everything I say. If it weren't for how good of a surgeon she is I would choose another doctor.
I told her how I lost my mucus plug about a week and a half ago. Her response: "Doesn't matter. I really wish they would leave that out of the books."
I told her about my contractions yesterday. Where they were, how they felt and the face they would come and go every few hours. Her response: "Well if they go away they are just Braxton Hicks contractions and not doing anything at all."
I mentioned how I have been having more problems with my blood pressure getting low. She just said 'yeah its annoying but theres nothing you can do about it really."
I'm just so disappointed now. I was actually thinking something was happening yesterday and then today she just takes all my hope and blows it to shreds. :(
Anyways, the rest of the appointment went on as usual. Addies heartbeat was looow like a boys! 140 bpm! Last week it was in the 160's. I've gained 3 lbs in the last 2 weeks. Ugh. I totally took advantage of the low amount of weight I had gained and pigged out on junk food. I'd better stop now. Only a week to go. Overall my total weight gain is at 7 lbs.
I go back on Monday. They were all booked for Tuesday which is the days I go in so the receptionist asked do you want to come in Monday or Wednesday, I was like well I'm having the csection on Thursday so probably Monday. lol
Anyways, theres my boring update. I'm just ready to have this little girl! 9 days left! (or less!)
When I was pregnant with Braxton and nearing the end of my pregnancy EVERYONE I knew called everyday asking if I had the baby yet. As if I wouldn't let them know?! When I was induced everyone who wasn't AT the hospital called every hour to ask if Braxton had been born yet...people got impatient and upset with me because I was in early labor for 2 days and no baby. Annoying.
Now, circumstances are a bit different this time but basically...the same annoying things are back. Yesterday we text my mom, dad, & joshs mom to let them know about my contractions. We told them "It's not a big deal and nothing to be worried about. We'll update you if anything happens." Immediatly my mom was knocking on my front door. "Are we having a baby today?!?!" she asks. I told her I don't know, that the contractions seem like real ones according to the info I found when I googled false labor vs true labor. The only thing that points at false labor is the fact that the contractions stop when I am not active. Then my grandma is IM'ing Josh freaking out and asking if I was having the baby today. THEN Joshs mom really freaks out. "Do I need to head to the hospital? Want me to come get Braxton? Is her hospital bag packed? Lets get to the hospital now!!" We told her its still early and we're waiting to see how things go. So then she asks if she can come over, sure we said, and once she got there we all went to the park. The entire time she asked "Can we go to the hospital now. Lets go to the hospital!" Seriously. She said this at LEAST 40 times. When I would have a contraction she would say "We need to get you to the hospital now!" Grrrrr! I tried to be nice and just smile and joke around that its not time yet and I would most likely be sent home. She couldn't get the hint. Finally I told her, we will go to the hospital when 1) my water breaks or 2) I have definete contractions that do not go away. She stopped asking after that. Seriously...soooo annoying! I mean, I know that everyone is just excited but geeez! My grandma also stopped by around 10 last night asking if we were gonna have the baby tonight and kept asking if we were going to call her if I went into labor in the middle of the night. Yes, yes, YES we will. Aghhhh!
I'm thinking....no more contraction updates for the family until we really are ready to head to the hospital!
Okay, all day I have been having contractions. Buuut they stop once I rest. This morning I had them for 30 minutes but they quit. A few hours later while at walmart for 2 hours (trying to bring on some ctx with walking) I had several but didn't time them. They quit once I sat down. So we took Braxton to the park and I walked all around the park several times and had 6 good contractions.
This mornings contractions started out real low and felt like a dull ache and were really intense on my right side. Then also moved around to the back.
This afternoons contractions were uncomfortable but not too painful. 1 or 2 times I had to take deep breaths and only doubled over in pain once. lol
This evenings contractions were painful and when I had them it was all over my uterus and I felt alot of pressure down "there." It also felt like I was being stabbed in the butt/vag. Ouch.
But, unfortunatly the contractions stop when I stop walking so who knows whats going on... I know they are the worst contractions I've felt.
So we are trying other things as well as walking. We tried bumpy roads, fresh pineapple (ouch-burned my mouth!!), Mexican food..it wasnt very spicy though so idk if it counts, and are about to try DTD.
As you know I have been checking my cervix. Last week it was 1 cm. Today after all this activity I checked it and it's definetly more than 1 cm but I couldn't really tell how much more. I'm guessing 2 cms. Whoo-hoo!
Start Time End Time Duration, Frequency
10:01:45 AM 10:02:48 AM 1:1 2 m, 33 s
9:59:12 AM 9:59:51 AM 0:38 2 m, 13 s
9:56:59 AM 9:57:55 AM 0:55 2 m, 16 s
9:54:43 AM 9:55:35 AM 0:51 1 m, 42 s
9:53:01 AM 9:53:53 AM 0:51 3 m, 10 s
9:49:51 AM 9:50:42 AM 0:50 1 m, 19 s
9:48:32 AM 9:49:03 AM 0:30 1 m, 29 s
9:47:03 AM 9:47:59 AM 0:54 3 m, 45 s
9:43:18 AM 9:43:52 AM 0:33 1 m, 24 s
9:41:54 AM 9:42:25 AM 0:30 2 m, 58 s
9:38:55 AM 9:39:43 AM 0:46 3 m, 7 s
9:35:49 AM 9:36:15 AM 0:25 1 m, 32 s
9:34:17 AM 9:34:54 AM 0:36 ----
This is whats been going on for the last 1/2 hour. They just quit so it was obviously nothing.
I've been noticing some intense cramping that comes and goes so I decided to time the cramps and see how far apart they are and everything.
If you haven't heard of it already- the contraction master is AWESOME! (www.contractionmaster.com)
At first I started cramping down low and off to the right side, which is weird. After awhile the crampiness moved into my back and now I'm cramping in my back and up front. The backache is constant though so its getting hard to time the cramps.
They are lasting around 30-45 seconds each and are 1-3 minutes apart. They aren't really painful so I don't think its the real deal.
I feel like crap.
I'm nauseous. My back hurts. I'm soo exhausted.
Braxton is cranky, needy, whiney the last 2 days.
I just want to stay in bed all day.
Not sure if I can take 13 more days of this.
Addie please come out soon!!!
Baby This Week:
On average, at this time, a baby weighs about 6.8 pounds (3100g) and measures about 14 inches (35cm) from crown to rump and 21 inches (47cm) total in length.
Your baby is still growing and gaining weight. Your baby may gain as much as 1 ounce (28g) a day at this point.
If your baby is a boy, his testes should have descended into the scrotum by this time. Your doctor will check that his testes have descended after delivery. About one percent of boys will have undescended testes.
Your baby has been building up waste in his intestines for the past few weeks. Called meconium, this waste is greenish-black and is made up of material from blood cell break down, shedded cells from the lining of the intestine, skin cells and lanugo shed into the amniotic fluid and swallowed, as well as other sources. Meconium is the first waste your baby passes and the first diapers that you change will probably be comprised of this greenish-black, tar-like substance. There is also a chance that your baby will excrete meconium before delivery and have some covering his body.
Mommy This Week:
You have probably gained around 30 lbs (13.5 kg) by now and you won't gain much more at this point. You feel tired and ready for your pregnancy to end.
You may have an unusual sensation inside your vagina when the baby's head presses against the muscles of the pelvic floor.
You may experience false labor contractions before the real contractions begin. These are not like Braxton Hicks contractions and may feel as strong as real labor. The difference between real and false labor is that false labor contractions do not become regular and often disappear when you move around. While you are likely to really have no doubt when real labor begins, you may want to call your doctor or caregiver if you think you might be in labor and then he or she can help you assess whether or not you need to head off to the hospital. It is not unusual to go to the hospital with false labor pains and be sent home again.
How far along? 37 weeks! OMG!
Total weight gain/loss: Didn't weigh in this week, I'll know next Tuesday but as of my last appointment only 4 lbs.
Any new maternity clothes? No, I did just buy a nursing bra though and some comfy PJ pants for the hospital!
Any new stretch marks? I'm sure! I have too many to notice new ones!
Sleep: is okay. I get really sore if I sleep for more than 8 hours. Toss & turn all night. Still hard to turn over in bed. :(
Best moment this week: Getting my hair done! Ahhh! It feels so nice to have it all pretty again & right in time for the hospital.
Movement: OMG! This little girl was movin' last night! I swear she moved non-stop for a good 20 minutes once I layed in bed & was ready to sleep. I put my hands on my belly and felt her knees rolling across my tummy! Seriously felt weird!!
Food cravings: Not really having any,..but have been LOVING ice! I have sensitive teeth so I never usually eat ice but now I have to have a cup a day. (a big 44 oz cup full! lol)
Labor Signs: I dunno. For the past week I have: -lost my MP, -had severe backaches that came & went and got worse at night (but eventually quit), -had lots of contractions but nothing timeable, -had loose BM's (past few days, ick!) I think thats it...and i just generally feel like crap...but who knows?
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: being able to paint my own toes or shave my whole leg.
What I am looking forward to: The 17th of this month! Addie will be here!! Unless she decides to choose her own birthday! ;)
Weekly Wisdom: I'm starting to not like this question. I'm all out of wisdom.
Milestones: FULL TERM!
Just got back from the salon & only spent $60! :D
Got my hair done again. It had gotten pretty long since my last cut (3 months ago) and my color was faded. Not to mention you could see about 2 inches of roots.
She did a great job! It's now back to chin length & she added more red this time. I love it!
Then she gave me what she calls "Sexy Texas Hair" by poofing it up in the back. Lol
I'm so excited! Now I can have pretty hair in the hospital!
Now just need my mom to come over and paint my toenails. (I cant reach) THEN Addie can come whenever she wants!
Last night we went to walmart to get a few things. Braxton had been acting fine all day though he did have a little bit of a runny nose. After probably 30 minutes in walmart we pay and head to the car. I push the cart with Braxton in it even though we only have one bag of stuff. (It's kind of like my 'walker.' hahah) Well I push the cart to the rear of our car and Josh rolls down the back window and sets our sack in it. I was just about to move so I could get in the car when......................Braxton vomits. Projectile vomits. & who was standing RIGHT in front of him? Me. I don't let it get to me, I just rub his back and ask him if he's okay. Then he does it again. I continue rubbing his back and telling him its okay, because at this point he's just bawling! He throws up probably 6 times, while still sitting in the cart, with me right by him. All over his clothes, all over the basket and all over the parking lot. Oh and all over my shirt, pants and shoes. ( I was wearing flip-flops btw!!) People walk by watching as he vomits up all of his afternoon snack and apparently just can't keep their mouths shut. I heard a few comments about how he ate too much, didn't like what he ate, or just about how gross it was. Like seriously people--mind your own business! Anyways!! Once he stopped vomiting we stripped him down to a diaper, cleaned him up (Thank God we had just bought a package of wipes!!)
Anyways, just had to share one of exciting adventures of motherhood. I told Josh that he's preparing me for baby sissy. I'm soo not looking forward to being thrown up on nearly every day again...but its all worth it! :)
I am completely in love with thechildrensplace.com. ♥♥♥
I logged on today to see what? 25% off all fall mark downs! Alot of their sale items are marked down to $2.99. Some things are as cheap as .99 and some things are as high as $10-15 but still! Amazing!
I ordered some more stuff. This time for Braxton.
I got him a brown & white striped polo--http://www.childrensplace.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_10001_10001_-1_557665_88635_26601%7C72469%7C%7C95035_big%20boy%7Coutfits%7Csave%20big_bigboys
and brown pull up cargo pants--http://www.childrensplace.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_10001_10001_-1_558558_88939_24651%7C72471%7C%7C95028_baby%20boy%7Coutfits%7Csave%20big_babyboys
and these adorable shoes--http://www.childrensplace.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_10001_10001_-1_557786_88741_24651%7C72471%7C%7C95028_baby%20boy%7Coutfits%7Csave%20big_babyboys
Then I got Addie another hat:
It says its $2.99 but when I added it to my cart it showed up as $.99, odd.
I also added my 15% off code and saved like $4. :)
I'm so addicted to this store. I pretty much check everyday for new deals/items.
Go check out the amazing deals & use the code FA79 at checkout if you buy something! :)
I tested NEGATIVE!
No antibiotics for me!