I've been breastfeeding a week now! Honestly, I didn't think I'd make it this far seeing how difficult it was with DS but it's been so much easier this time! Addie has a great latch, I have a great supply and it's just going SO well.
My only "problems" are:
-I don't feel like I can go anywhere. I haven't mastered NIP (nursing in public.) I want to be discreet about it and not just pop out the boob whenever, wherever. Too many pervs in this world. So the discreet part is what I'm having trouble with. Hopefully I'll learn soon because I have just been staying in the house all week. We had to go get groceries the other day & I had to sit out in the parking lot nursing in the car. I wish I could just nurse DD while walking around, so it doesn't even look like I'm nursing. Ahhh, I guess it will get easier though...
-I'm jealous of DH. Since I'm BFing it is pointless for BOTH of us to get up at night, so I let DH sleep while I feed, change and put Addie back to sleep. Here I am up 5-6 times a night while DH is sound asleep & snoring...and then complains the next day that he's tired. It tempts me to switch to formula, because at least then he would have to get up too! But I'm trying to be strong. I don't want to formula feed, I'm just letting the lack of sleep take over my thoughts....
-I have a strong let down so poor Addie is choking on my milk when I first start to feed. Not a "major" problem but I wish it didn't happen.
I am very thankful though that breastfeeding is going well. I know there are many women out there that can't breastfeed, or have problems that make it very difficult.
Now for a little "brag" LOL
I seem to produce alot of milk, so much that Addie can't possibly drink it all, I am constantly leaking and sometimes leak through a nursing pad in just 30 minutes. So tonight I decided when I get "full" like that I would pump and freeze the milk for when I decide to introduce the bottle.
Well, Addie hadn't eaten in a few hours & I was beyond FULL. I was changing out nursing pads every 15 minutes! I brought out my pump and started pumping on boob #1. After about 10-15 minutes I felt that was enough and stopped. I looked to see how much I pumped and it said 4 ounces! HOLY COW! (With DS I would pump for 30+ minutes & get 2 ounces out of both breasts combined!!) Since Addie hadn't ate in awhile I decided I would only pump the 2nd boob for about 5 minutes. (Not sure how BFing works, like..how long does it take for my boobs to "refill" after they are emptied? I didn't want to pump them both dry & then addie wake up hungry...I have no clue how it works!) So I pumped boob #2 for just a few minutes and then took the bottle to the kitchen and dumped the milk in a milk storage bag. Total? 6 ounces! Whoo-hoo! I'd say thats pretty good! :D
Well, time to go to bed. I'm EXHAUSTED! Addie was up every 1-2 hours last night wanting to eat! Night, Night. :)
Wow, you are doing amazing! That's awesome! I'm praying that I'll be able to, but I'm not sure because there may be damage from a previous surgery. :(
About NIP - have you tried using a nursing cover? They sell them online in tons of patterns, but if you need one right away, I know they have at least one on the shelf at Target. It's almost like a short apron.
Samantha said...
September 25, 2009 at 9:03 AM