I just got back from my last appointment! Whoo-hoo! Of course I'll have to go back in 6 weeks but it will be so weird to not have to pee in a cup & listen to the heartbeat, etc.
Things went as they always do.
Sat in the waiting room for awhile. The office next door to my doctors had a bird flying around in it which caused alot of 'drama' with the doctors & nurses trying to get it out. It was so funny!
Nothing out of the ordinary at my appointment. 1) Step on scale. 0 weight gain since last week! Yea! Looks like my "official" total of weight gain this pregnancy is 7 pounds! Whoo!
2) Give a urine sample, 3) have blood pressure checked 4)listen to babys heartbeat (140 bpm) 5) wait for doctor to come in 6) measure fundal height. Thats all. Pretty boring....
It was odd not stopping at the reception desk to make an appointment, I start walking out the door and the receptionist asks "Wait, are you done?" I told her my csection is this Thursday. She wished me luck & out the door we went. :)
We did go pre-register at the hospital though. (I know-we waited until waaaay last minute!) It didn't take long at all. I just had to sign a bunch of papers and voila-I was preregistered for surgery. :)
Funny thing happened at the hospital--we got on the elevator to get to the 2nd floor where all the registration & stuff is and when we got on I told Braxton he might want to hang on to the side rails but he just ignored me and stood in the middle of the elevator. It started moving and he FLIPPED OUT! He started 'whining' and looked at me terrified. He started saying "Nooo! Noo!" to the elevator. It was so funny even though he was so scared. DH & I couldn't stop laughing. DH picked him up and he acted so traumatized! Poor lil guy.
Anyways, I can't believe I just have 3 days left! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see Addie & hold her for the first time. Thursday night Josh has church choir practice & was thinking about skipping but since this Sunday we have a big guest speaker coming to our church he really needs to be there to practice. So I told him to go. :D Why am I so happy you're wondering? I'm greedy with my babies ;) When Braxton was born I didn't even want to let DH hold him, I loved it too much! So while DH is gone for 2-3 hours that night I will get to hold Addie as much as I want. I can't wait. :)
How exciting that you only have 3 days left!!!
Morgan said...
September 14, 2009 at 5:42 PM
2 more days, holy crap!
Samantha said...
September 15, 2009 at 7:40 AM