Last night we went to walmart to get a few things. Braxton had been acting fine all day though he did have a little bit of a runny nose. After probably 30 minutes in walmart we pay and head to the car. I push the cart with Braxton in it even though we only have one bag of stuff. (It's kind of like my 'walker.' hahah) Well I push the cart to the rear of our car and Josh rolls down the back window and sets our sack in it. I was just about to move so I could get in the car when......................Braxton vomits. Projectile vomits. & who was standing RIGHT in front of him? Me. I don't let it get to me, I just rub his back and ask him if he's okay. Then he does it again. I continue rubbing his back and telling him its okay, because at this point he's just bawling! He throws up probably 6 times, while still sitting in the cart, with me right by him. All over his clothes, all over the basket and all over the parking lot. Oh and all over my shirt, pants and shoes. ( I was wearing flip-flops btw!!) People walk by watching as he vomits up all of his afternoon snack and apparently just can't keep their mouths shut. I heard a few comments about how he ate too much, didn't like what he ate, or just about how gross it was. Like seriously people--mind your own business! Anyways!! Once he stopped vomiting we stripped him down to a diaper, cleaned him up (Thank God we had just bought a package of wipes!!)
Anyways, just had to share one of exciting adventures of motherhood. I told Josh that he's preparing me for baby sissy. I'm soo not looking forward to being thrown up on nearly every day again...but its all worth it! :)
EW. As an emetophobe (fear of vomit), this is my biggest fear of being a mom someday. I logically know there are way worse things to worry about though! What a great mom you are, making sure Braxton wasn't traumatized, even though you likely were! Hope he's feeling better today.
Anonymous said...
September 2, 2009 at 8:54 AM
Awww, poor guy. He must have felt horrible. Was it just an upset stomach, or does he seem to have a some kind of a bug?
Samantha said...
September 2, 2009 at 9:22 AM
Thanks! Hes feeling better today, he felt better right after he threw up so I think maybe just an upset stomach. He's also had alot of sinus drainage so DH thinks maybe he gagged? I have no clue. DH is like that when he is sick, a runny nose makes him throw up. Weird. I don't think he's got a bug or anything, hes acting perfectly normal and had been all day yesterday too. Usually when he is getting sick I know because all he wants to do is snuggle up on the couch with me and fall asleep.=)
Kristin said...
September 2, 2009 at 1:09 PM