At 4 A.M on Thursday morning I woke up and started getting ready for the hospital. I got DH up at 4:30 and we were out the door by 4:45 or so. We arrived at the hospital around 5:30 (30 minutes late b/c DH had to stop on the way to throw up! lol!) & were taken right up to our room. Pre-registering really paid off! I just had to sign one paper and I was ready! I got up to my room and was told to give a urine sample & change into a gown. I did so and then layed on the hospital bed and waited for the nurse to come back. When she came back I was hooked up to the monitors (i was having contractions!) and blood pressure machine, had to sign a bunch of papers and give medical history, etc and then had the IV put in. Then my least favorite part, the catheder. Time just flew by though. All of this happened in an hour and a half. At 7 they really started getting me ready for the csection. The nurse came in and shaved me. Then I was given a 'pepto' pill & some horrible tasting liquid medicine that is supposed to neutralize stomach acid. (preventing nausea) Then the anesthesiologist came in to speak with me & explain what he would be doing. Before I know it I'm walking to the OR.
We get in there and I'm told to sit on the table with my back facing the anethesiologist. He told me everything he was going to do before he did it. He was great. I ended up getting a spinal block this time instead of both a spinal & epidural. I felt pretty much no pain. He washed my back, numbed the area, I felt a small burning, prick sensation and that was all! Slowly, starting at my feet, my body started to get warm until I was warm about up to my ribcages. Warm and NUMB. It was nice, those OR rooms are FREEZING! They pinched my stomach a bunch to see if I could feel anything-I couldn't so they brought Josh in and started the c-section! It seemed like it took forever but it was really only about 15 minutes or so. I got nauseous during the surgery so I was given some meds through my IV that helped a little bit. I was also very thirsty this time too. After awhile they told me I would start feeling pulling & tugging & lots of pressure on my chest. I was prepared, because well I had already been through it before & the pressure didn't bother me before. This time it was horrible though! I had to remember to breathe, it felt like someone was jumping up and down on my chest. Oww. (Well obviously I couldn't feel the pain but the pressure was just that overwhelming.) After a few minutes of this they started to pull Addie out. The anethesiologist was watching over the curtain and said "Wow, thats a BIG baby!." I said, "Yeah, my son was over 10 lbs so it doesn't surprise me!" Now she was all the way out and crying! :) The nurses cleaned her up a bit, showed her to Josh & I and then Josh, Addie & the nurses headed to the nursery/waiting area. I was stitched up after about 20 minutes and sent to my room. Josh came in and asked if they had told me how much she weighed. I said no, so he told me, "7 lbs 13 oz." I couldn't believe it! I had guessed she would be 7 lbs 14 oz but that was more of a "hope" than a guess! After a little while they brought Addie & I got to hold her for the first time. It was incredible. DH & I spent a little time alone with her and then brought everyone else in. Braxton loves her! He wanted to hold her & when he did he just looked so proud!! I definetly had worse "after symptoms" after this c-section. I shook for about an hour after the surgery. I couldn't keep anything down all day. I started off with just ice chips & was to gradually go to water, and then to things like broth, jello, etc then to solids. Well, I started off with ice. Threw it up. So I waited a little while, tried some more ice, threw it up. This continued all day. I wouldn't drink anything until I was able to keep ice down. I vomited about 8 times that day. By 8 pm I think I was able to drink water & had some jello late that night. I also had a fever and low blood pressure. Fever wasn't a big deal-I had one after I had Braxton & it went away the next day. The blood pressure was very low. Most of the time it was around 80-something over 40-something. When the nurse took it and saw the results she couldn't believe it & thought maybe the BP machine had broke so she went and got another one. Got the same results. She checked my chart & apparently my BP had been running low ever since I got there. Crazy.
Our first night in the hospital was a bit rough. We wanted to keep her in the nursery so we could get some rest (we only slept 2-3 hours before we came in to the hospital) but every 20-30 minutes the nurses were bringing her in to nurse. I would latch her on, she would eat for a few minutes and then just fall asleep & comfort nurse. This went on for 4 hours. My boobs couldn't take it & I needed the sleep so we decided to use a pacifier.(we had agreed no pacis) I must say, I felt bad about giving into the paci but it is a LIFESAVER! The 2nd night she only ate twice. I fed her before I went to sleep, at 2ish & around 4:30 & then just stayed up b/c I was so rested. The first couple of days she only ate for 10 minutes at a time every 4 hours but now that my milk has come in she's eating more often.
We got released from the hospital Saturday at noon! A DAY EARLY! Whoo! Recovery has been pretty easy. The 2 days I was in the hospital I didn't need any pain medicine. Though I did have some discomforts. I had trapped gas from the anesthesia and that is pretty painful! I had to have a suppository to help, and it only helped a little. Now that I'm home I'm taking Gas-X & it seems to be helping. Another thing I didn't expect is for my uterus to contract while I nurse. It's like the worst period cramps I've ever felt times TEN. Soooo painful! I did have a Tylenol to relieve those pains! BFing didn't work out with DS & he never latched properly so I didn't know this happened. Hopefully it will stop soon?
Breastfeeding is going well though. I think we had a few latch issues at the hospital but they got worked out. It doesn't hurt at all when she eats off the right side but sometimes it hurts my left side when she latches, I think its becuase I'm right handed and can't get her positioned correctly on the left side. I think I mentioned already that my milk has come in. Thank goodness it didn't come in like it did with Braxton. With him I woke up 3 days PP laying in my own breastmilk, totally soaked, engorged, in pain!! This time I think it gradually came in. They aren't engorged but I have no problem with supply! I leak all the time!
Overall, Addie is a very good baby. The birth was great, the recovery ok, we are so in love!
Braxton loves her to death & is always talking about her but I am noticing alot of jealousy. I pray it gets better. Today has been a record for tantrums!!
Side note-Addies dedication was today! Will have pics up soon! Also, will add pics of Addie to some other account (like snapfish or photobucket) because it takes sooo long to upload pics on here & I have so many I want to post. When I get that done I will post the link!
So happy for you guys! :)
Samantha said...
September 21, 2009 at 6:56 AM