When I was pregnant with Braxton and nearing the end of my pregnancy EVERYONE I knew called everyday asking if I had the baby yet. As if I wouldn't let them know?! When I was induced everyone who wasn't AT the hospital called every hour to ask if Braxton had been born yet...people got impatient and upset with me because I was in early labor for 2 days and no baby. Annoying.
Now, circumstances are a bit different this time but basically...the same annoying things are back. Yesterday we text my mom, dad, & joshs mom to let them know about my contractions. We told them "It's not a big deal and nothing to be worried about. We'll update you if anything happens." Immediatly my mom was knocking on my front door. "Are we having a baby today?!?!" she asks. I told her I don't know, that the contractions seem like real ones according to the info I found when I googled false labor vs true labor. The only thing that points at false labor is the fact that the contractions stop when I am not active. Then my grandma is IM'ing Josh freaking out and asking if I was having the baby today. THEN Joshs mom really freaks out. "Do I need to head to the hospital? Want me to come get Braxton? Is her hospital bag packed? Lets get to the hospital now!!" We told her its still early and we're waiting to see how things go. So then she asks if she can come over, sure we said, and once she got there we all went to the park. The entire time she asked "Can we go to the hospital now. Lets go to the hospital!" Seriously. She said this at LEAST 40 times. When I would have a contraction she would say "We need to get you to the hospital now!" Grrrrr! I tried to be nice and just smile and joke around that its not time yet and I would most likely be sent home. She couldn't get the hint. Finally I told her, we will go to the hospital when 1) my water breaks or 2) I have definete contractions that do not go away. She stopped asking after that. Seriously...soooo annoying! I mean, I know that everyone is just excited but geeez! My grandma also stopped by around 10 last night asking if we were gonna have the baby tonight and kept asking if we were going to call her if I went into labor in the middle of the night. Yes, yes, YES we will. Aghhhh!
I'm thinking....no more contraction updates for the family until we really are ready to head to the hospital!
I gotta say, I keep checking your blog to see if you've gone MIA or if you're still in the waiting game. I'm excited too!! You're gonna have a baby this week or next!!!
Anonymous said...
September 8, 2009 at 12:45 PM
haha. good idea. just let them know when you are driving there!
Samantha said...
September 8, 2009 at 1:29 PM
Definetly within the next 9 days since my csection is scheduled for next week! Ahhh! It's so exciting/scary!!
Kristin said...
September 8, 2009 at 1:35 PM