My appointment went well.
I had to:
-fill out paperwork/give nurse my medical history
-pee in a cup
-give 3 vials of blood
-listened to the heartbeat (156 bpm!) (isnt that "girls range" in the OWT's?) hehe
-I gave my dr my u/s report and she wanted to change my due date to the 24th! So I am 13w5d so I'll be posting all my 13w info soon since I'm almost 14 weeks!
-Dr tried to measure fundal height but I guess my uterus hasn't "popped" out of my pelvis yet.
-Asked doctor all my questions:
-Can I eat tuna. --Yes, 2 servings a week but no more.
-Can I lift Braxton (hes 35 lbs) and sometimes I cramp when I lift him? --No if you're cramping that is your body telling you you're over doing it.
-Can I try for a vbac? --No, insurance won't allow it.
-Shouldn't my morning sickness be GONE already?! --Yes for most women it is but some women have it the whole pregnancy lets hope thats not the case for you.
-How much folic acid do I need? --The prenatals I gave you today have just what you need.
I was there for 2 hours!! Ugh! I swear Dr. Kimmel doesn't get there til like 10 am! Haha My appointment was at 9 AM and I didn't leave til 11 am. I only saw the dr for like 15 minutes so she didn't get to me until 10:45 or so!
Anyways, everythings going well and I am so relieved. Dr. Kimmel told me to relax and in no time I'll be holding another beautiful baby. :)
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