Church was awesome as always. The morning service was amazing and again we heard from God (through tongues & interpretation of tongues) and I will be putting what was said in here as soon as I get a copy of the service on cd. Evening service was crazy! In a wonderful way of course. :) After Michelle & Daphne finished speaking they asked if anyone in the room has not received their prayer language yet, or if others who had needed some help/encouragement. They had us come to the front for prayer. Daphne asked me if I have recieved my prayer language. I told her yes but I have problems with it because it seems I repeat the same thing over and over again and it discourages me. She said that is common and its just like a baby learning to speak, you start out with a few words and over time learn more. She asked me to pray (in tongues) out loud with her. I did and she did also, after a while she stopped me and said "Well you definetly have your tongues, and they're rich. I've never heard a 'baby' christian with such a rich prayer language-and I've heard alot!" So that was exciting for me! For along time I doubted myself, thinking I was just making it all up (since it was so repetitive) and pretty much stopped using it. Tonight was just the confirmation I needed, and encouragement as well! More exciting news, my daddy was filled with the Holy Spirit. (thats a big deal because he's not even pentecostal, hes from the church of latter day saints yet the past couple months hes gotten saved, and then tonight, received his prayer language! YAY!)
Oh and totally unrelated but wonderful news! My parents are getting back together. December 26th my mom left my dad and said she wanted a divorce. That's when daddy started coming to our church..he changed so much and I really think mom saw that. It's so crazy b/c what they were going through is the exact same thing Josh and I went through last year, and it all got resolved the same way Praise God!! They were making the divorce final on March 11th-just 3 days away...when just a couple days ago my mom moved back home and said she didn't want the divorce. That makes me sooo happy!
Ah isn't Jesus wonderful??
Wonderful news about your parents! Praise God! :)
Samantha said...
March 9, 2009 at 8:23 AM