Now that I'm pregnant and am actually starting to feel like I'm really gonna have this baby, I keep thinking about when I was pregnant with Braxton. I have a few funny stories I wanted to post...this blog is kinda like a journal to me..I want to remember everything and so hopefully one day I can read back on it and remember all the stuff that happened in my pregnancies..I've already forgotten most of when I was pg w/ Braxton.
~Drawing blood~
I don't remember how far along I was but I had to have four tubes of blood drawn. I had never had blood drawn before so I didn't really know how it worked..they asked if I would like to lie down, I thought I would be fine so I said no. I just sat in a chair and averted my eyes as they inserted the needle and started drawing blood. After the 2nd tube of blood was drawn I started to feel a little funny but didn't say anything. The third tube was drawn and then half of the fourth when I made the mistake of looking over. (I can't stand the sight of blood!) I started getting light headed and dizzy. They noticed right away and asked what was wrong, I told them I didn't feel so great. They finished the other half of the tube, put a band-aid on me and told me to SLOWLY stand up. Well my head was spinning and I didn't understand anything they said. I stood up and fell right to the floor. I started dry heaving on the floor and they had to get me some orange juice and let me lay there on the floor til I felt better. My mom later told me my face was white as a ghost. That was so embarrasing but funny to look back on now. Now I know to lay down if they take ANY amount of blood!! :)
~Ultrasound Contractions~
When I was in the Hospital being induced my doctor wanted me to have an ultrasound so we could make sure baby was in the right position. So she sent someone up to give me one. I had already been started on pitocin and was having mild contractions when the lady walked in and started the ultrasound. She was really nice. She was only supposed to look and leave but she was showing me all kinds of stuff, confirmed the gender,and printed me off some pictures even though she wasn't supposed to. It was amazing seeing him right before he was born. We got to see him suck his thumb, blink (that was AMAZING!) and much much more. I was really enjoying the ultrasound when-Uh-Oh-Contraction. I tried to just take it and not complain I mean-I was getting a free ultrasound and she said she would stop when I asked her to. I wanted to see my baby so I just gripped Joshs hand and just took the pain. Nothing hurts like a contraction WHILE someone is poking and jabbing at your uterus so hard you think you'll pee. Finally the pain got so bad I had to tell her to stop! Lol
~When are you due?~
About two weeks after I had Braxton Josh and I went to the store to get some WIC (women, infant and children-free gov. program). We were staying with my mom at the time so she offered to stay with Braxton since it was cold outside. Well we didn't need any formula so we just got the stuff for me (post partum WIC) which includes milk, eggs, cheese and juice. I was still quite swollen after having Braxton and I guess the lady checking us out thought I was pregnant! She asked me "When are you due?" Akward. "Umm, I just had the baby..." lady: "Oh I am so sorry!"
~Maternity Clothes? Pshh..~
After I found out I was pregnant with Braxton (around 7-8 weeks) my mom and grandma took me shopping for some maternity clothes. They kept looking at huge XL shirts, pants with elastic bands...totally NOT my kinda clothing and I thought they were crazy. I kept telling them "I'm not gonna need maternity clothes! I won't get that big!" LOLOL so I ended up just getting some pajama pants in my regular size and a few tank tops. Oh about a month later, my clothes didn't fit! Then I started to realize I DO need bigger clothes. By the time I was 4 months pregnant I looked 6 months! I had gotten HUGE and had practically no clothes to wear-except for my old jeans with a ponytail holder looped around the button! Ha! I was so...naive? Uneducated? Not sure what the right word is but when I look back now its funny to think I didn't need maternity clothes-especially with how huge I was with Braxton! :)
Thats all I can remember if I think of more I'll add them here.
lol. those are great stories. i'll have to remember do the same!
Samantha said...
March 18, 2009 at 11:39 AM