He's just being cute today so I thought I'd write a little about what he's been doing. :)
First off, boy does this kid love Jesus!! For awhile now we've been teaching him about Jesus (the best we can for him being two) and it's just really starting to show. Okay so we have this big picture of Jesus in our bedroom and every night before bed Braxton always lists off everyone in the family (idk why though) It goes like this: Ma, Dad, Dog, Boo, Jesus. ♥ and he always points at the photo. He blows Jesus kisses and tells him he loves him. We even taught him to Praise God. All we have to do is say "Braxton, Praise God" and both his hands go in the air. It's especially cute at church, half the time he'll do it during praise and worship and we don't even tell him to. I just hope he continues to love Jesus this much when he's older....
Secondly, I LOVE NAP TIME. It used to be a struggle to put him down for a nap. (He used to be on a schedule-nap at 1 always) but I found that if I just let him go until he's ready for a nap he'll put himself to sleep. Today I was on the couch reading and Braxton went into his room. After a few minutes I didn't hear anything so I assumed he was doing something he's not supposed to do (he always gets really quiet when he does) so I walked back there and he was asleep on my bed (our rooms are right next to each other) and he was all covered up...just sleeping. :)
Aside from the horrible tantrums, I'm loving this toddler thing. :D
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